Friday, February 28, 2014

"Are You Pregnant?"

I have gotten this question not just lately but in multiple different times in my life. Never when I was my skinniest, but since gaining an extra 20-40 pounds, it has cropped up now and again. It's strange, though, because when I was my fattest, this was never even a question. People could completely tell that I was overweight, not "with child."
So why does it hurt so much when people do get confused?

I have a few theories on why this happens and why it hurts more than people just blindly going along with the fact you're fat.

1. You're carrying around water weight. And a lot of it. 
Even though it's going to make it feel as though your stomach is puffing out more, even if it hurts because you're so bloated, drink more water. So much water you don't even think you can finish it. Most people don't get enough water, I know I definitely don't. Aim for 2-3 liters of water a day. It's a lot, but sometimes you can lose lots of weight just by drinking that much water and flushing all of that salt out of your system.

2. You're losing weight other places. 
I'm still not nearly as skinny as I want to be. I haven't even lost much visible weight. But as I get in better shape and I feel my legs getting more muscular, I'm starting to notice my stomach just a little bit more. This may be because of #1. But it's probably also because weight around your stomach comes off more slowly than other places normally.

3. Pregnancy is a blessing and a curse. 
Or, at least, the image of pregnancy is. See, if you're unmarried like me, there's a fear that others might judge you because they think you look pregnant. Then there's the concern of, "Does everyone think this?" You're probably wondering what the blessing part is. And let me tell you, it's not much of one. But, man, do I love how excited people get when they either see that I'm engaged or think that I'm pregnant. Until, you know, I have to say things like, "No. I'm not pregnant."

So, while these may not be very consolatory, I thought I'd share them. Hopefully these three thoughts will help you the way they've helped me keep my calm when customers ask me in the drive thru about my reproductive status.
Now, stop reading and go drink up!

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